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July 2024

state of the art Infrastructure

Unique school of science is equipped with the latest of Infrastructure in the district.

Our eager Students have a real thirst for learning and our excellent staff team are committed and dedicated in ensuring that each and every child achieves. We have high standards and expect the best.

ac class roomThe school management is of the view that student need comfortable environment to study , especially where we have 8 months of summer like season. Our classrooms are well designed for natural air as well as equipped with high capacity Air Conditioners. 

school canteenThe canteen in the school caters to the students and staff providing healthy, wholesome and hygienic food during the school hours.

The school encourages students to have healthy, nutritious home like food.

school busThe students have a facility to opt for a school bus for daily commute to the school. The parents can stay assured of the safety of the students when they commute through transport system organised by the school management. 

school cctvThe school management believes in discipline and security of the students as well as the staff. To ensure the same, CCTV system has been installed covering the whole campus. 

school library nadiadThe library of Unique School , Nadiad contains all the necessary books and magazines , that are essential for the students of any school. It is essential for the students in this hightech edge to keep rooted with the habit of book reading, that is the actual way of reading rather than having an overview of any subject like a blog. 

school play ground nadiadThe School is located in the abode of nature with its own play ground so that students can have proper facilities for various sports activities. Our students have exelled in multiple sports activities including Khel Mahakumbh at district level as well as stte level.  

indoor games school” Learn while you learn, play while you play ” do you believe ? Yes we believe, that is why we have indoor games room. We wish our students should also excel in indoor games like Chess, Table tenis and others and earn name and fame for their family.   

Classes approved

Maximum Class Size

Passed out in 2020

Teachers in Unique school of science have proved their worth when it comes to the board results. Our students have been working very hard through out  the year. The results are proving their efforts.

Tenth Standard 95%
Elevanth standard 99%
Twelfth Standard 90%

Laboratories for Students